Just picture this, your walking down the beach front, its a warm sunny day, a light breeze in from the sea is gently blowing through your hair gives it more waves than the ocean. People look at you, men admire your hair and the women are jealous, some ask how come your hair is so soft and shiny. At the same time they notice how baby soft your skin looks, you look at them with a knowing smile and tell them your secret, 'I use Urine Therapy' you say.
Hold on, stop the boat, get the nose clip out, 'you use urine therapy' they say, 'yes, it's amazing' with that you gently glide into the sunset with your hair bouncing for joy.
Ok, its seems a little like a hair spray commercial, that is all except the urine therapy part, but its true, your OWN urine is one of natures gifts.
First of all lets dispense with a few myths about natures finest.
Urine smells !!
Well actually urine does smell, about 20 minutes after leaving the body a certain amount of oxidation takes place and a ammonia like smell occurs, but its harmless and good ventilation or aroma oil keeps the smell down.
Urine is poisonous !!
Well actually its not, 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Toxic substances are being removed from the body through the liver, intestines, skin and through the out-breath.
Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.
I'm not going to try and convince you about the purity of urine, if you do a search on the net with 'urine therapy' there are many pages describing to process through the body that creates good wholesome urine. In fact its only in the last 50 years that urine has gone out of fashion, it has been highly praised through out history as a natural substance that has many healing properties. One of the biggest users of urine has been the cosmetic industry, traditionally produced by horses, it is used as a skin moisturizer. It is only since the rise of the pharmaceutical industry that the use of urine as a general medicine has ceased, well in the West, it is still highly prized in the Far East. Nothing to do with the fact that pharmaceutical companies can't make a profit from it no doubt.
I've had personal experience with its amazing properties. As a child I had eczema, my skin was always cracked and dry, as I grow older and changed my diet I grow out of it, except for a bad patch on my right elbow. No cream or ointment could cure this patch, it would often bleed, especially when I was asleep. The I saw a children's TV series, on a particular episode was a Dutchman called Coen Van Der Kroon who had wrote a book called 'Golden Fountain : The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy', I was so intrigued I tried the treatment. I put urine on my elbow 3/4 times a day, always washing my hands afterwards of course. After about two weeks, the eczema had disappeared and my skin completely re-generated and I've not had any problems since. Every so often I also use it on my skin, although 49 years old, I've skin like a young child.
Now this article isn't going to tell you how to use it, as I've stated there are many good sites that will explain all, it simply says 'give it a go, you might surprise yourself'
Nature gives us all we need for both Health and Beauty.

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