
Guide for Cats  


Guide for Cats the Information You Will Need For Buying.... and Owning....
The Right Cat for YOU ....

Find out how to choose and care for
the right cat for you with this exclusive,
never before revealed information....

oh... you're thinking about getting a new pet cat .... Or maybe Kitty will be a companion for a loved one.... a friend.... or for your children....ever used a Cat Guide before?

If you have never owned a cat before.... choosing the right one can be tricky.... Buying a cat is not as simple as choosing one because (s)he is ' soooo cute' ....

Unfortunately, people do choose a pet this way and later find Kitty doesn't fit their lifestyle for a variety of reasons....which is why you need a Guide to Cats.

To avoid the pain of choosing the wrong Cat, you will need to research before you make a final decision.... and decide if you want a kitten cat or an adult cat....

If you make the mistake choosing the wrong cat you can't just toss it in the rubbish bin which is why you need a guide to cats and their habits and needs.

You questions to ask yourself to help decide what cat is right for you ....

Not all cats are the same.... different breeds mean different physical features.... personality traits.... and behavior....

If you are gone a lot.... you don't want one that craves its owners constant attention ....

On the flip side.... if you are looking for one you can snuggle up to while watching television you don't want to find they could care less about being lovey-dovey....

You need help you find the right fit so both you and your cat are happy.... a pet can be a wonderful thing when you connect....you need a cat guide to help you make those decisions.

After you find Kitty.... surely you'll have questions....

Questions You May Have....

Feeding: What & when do feed I feed my cat..

Grooming: How do I care for my cat's coat..

Health issues: What can I expect.. what should I do..

Vaccinations: What shots does my cat need & when..

Supplies: What do I need to care for and to keep my cat happy..

If you are a seasoned cat person.... there ar still tips and tricks to help you understand and deal with behaviors.... and you will already be well aware of how independent and quirky cats can be....

Do you need a basic '101' cat guide on buying and owning a cat.... plus helpful dictionary terms to help understand what other cat owners and your Vet are talking about....

Do Not Buy a Cat That Does Not Fit
Your Home...Your Lifestyle...
and Your Schedule...a guide to cats will help with your cat synergy.

Imagine letting all the anxiety you have slip away....

Imagine knowing you have a reference guide handy each and every time you have a question or concern....

Imagine having chosen the right pet... you love her/him.... (s)he loves you.... Bliss....

One of the main reasons animal and rescue shelters are packed with animals is because....
people take on more than they bargained for when proper research is not done....

You will get insight on popular common breeds many people are happy with....
And.... what you need to consider to determine the right breed for you....

Don't end up with a cat that hates you.... believe me, that situation is no fun.... for either of you....

But that doesn't have to happen to you if you get a guide to cats that gives you all the information you need to choose which breed will work best for you.... before you buy....

You also need a ton of useful information to help you care for your cat ....

Buying a pet is a major decision.... it will not only affect your life.... but also the life of the cat ....

A good cat guide will help you learn what items are needed to make your cat feel comfortable in her new home....

Learn how to feed your new cat.... and how to deal with many behaviors ....

It's easy to find yourself completely unprepared to care for a new kitten....

Tips to help prepare in advance .... so you, and your kitten, will transition smoothly.... as your kitten grows into an adult cat....

Info on feeding habits.... how to groom.... how to travel with.... how to understand.... and how to discipline your cat.....

Researching before bringing her home is a very smart idea....

A good cat guide will give a variety of topics.... all into one resource ....

Don't waste your time searching for answers to your questions.... you can find everything you need right here....

Look no Further for your Cat Guide!


Stop a Relationship Breakup  


How to Stop a Relationship Breakup.

I know how bad it feels to lose a partner under any circumstances. It feels like the end of the world, like no-one understands how you feel... or knows your situation...

I've been through painful breakups before and I know how hopeless and depressing it feels like you're on your own. But there is always hope especially before the breakup happens.

Yes all relationships CAN be saved, no more breakup song, no more breakup text.

No matter how it ended because of lack of interest, lack of passion, an affair or just plain old confusion, you can get your ex back... and many people have!

There is a "love recipe" a way to empower yourself and your relationship.

We all know of breakups that seemed doomed but were re-kindled sparks re-ignited.

If you follow the celebrity gossip, you'll see every day that couples breakup and then make up in the blink of an eye... even for really serious things like cheating or abuse!
And then they are back together, breakup forgotten and so it can happen for you.

But you know what? What if you could take what those couples did... and put it into a step-by-step recipe which shows you exactly how to get them back??

What if you could take what worked for others... and put it to use yourself... to follow in their footsteps... to use their advice which has been PROVEN TO WORK.

Do you suffer from these symptoms?

cross Can't stop thinking about what happened and your ex.
cross What could you have done.
cross Everything you see reminds you of them.
cross That breakup song constantly on the radio.
cross Lost your appetite.

Do you make these mistakes with your ex?

cross Begging your ex to come back to you?
cross The breakup was wrong and they are the love of your life.
cross Apologizing for everything little thing that happened.
cross Constantly calling them

If you've done ANY of the above, let me say it's okay.

Everyone makes mistakes and the great thing about relationships is that there are hidden motives and reasons that couples stay together... no matter how many "mistakes" you make.

Getting your ex back is possible and many people are doing it each day... even in some truly awful breakup circumstances.

Here's exactly what I have in store for you:

Check REVEALED - The TELL TALE SIGNS that they still love you... if they do any of these things, you've still got a big chance of getting them back!

Check The truth about apologies - this one change of thinking could be the savior of your relationship.... learn when & how to apologize to get you back in their arms!

Check How to turn your frown upside down! - Emotions got you feeling low? Use this earth-shattering technique to rid your mind of any dark feelings. This is so effective you'll stop depression, anger, anxiety & frustration in their tracks!!

Check A simple change of thinking which puts YOU back in control of the situation.... HINT - get this right and you'll send the reconciliation process into overdrive!

Check SEX - when to have it & what it means for the breakup. REVEALED: - men... why you need to get her into bed ASAP... & women... why you need hold out for as long as possible!

And so many more tell-tale signs that its possible to get back together and stop that relationship breakup.

Stop a Relationship Breakup Now!



Stop Panic and Panic Attacks Fast  


A Natural Technique To Stop
Panic and Panic Attacks Fast!

The technique has been developed by me Joe Barry, a former sufferer of all too frequent panic attacks and GAD. A completely natural approach to eliminating 100% of general anxiety and panic attacks. This may seem very hard to believe for someone who may have had this condition for some time but believe me the new information is now available to be free from anxiety. This technique can easily be learned.

Is any of this familiar:-

Does panic set in and you fear you might stop breathing because your chest feels tight and your breathing erratic?

When driving do you fear the idea of getting stuck in traffic, on a bridge or at red lights and your close to suffering a panic attack?

Have you struggled with anxious thoughts that will not stop?

Do you ever feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces such as supermarkets, cinemas, public transport or even sitting at the hair dressers and start to panic?

Are you nervous and on edge in normal situations that never bothered you before?

Most people have been struggling with anxiety disorders for many years and have usually exhausted themselves looking for a solution in every book, course, or treatment program out there. They are very skeptical (as is natural) and have little faith in ever getting rid of their panic condition.

Yet New approaches are available Powerful Techniques For Eliminating Anxiety And Panic Attacks Without The Use of Medication.

You will be amazed at how such a simple technique could be so powerful in restoring you back to your former care free self. Not only are we talking about eliminating panic attacks but also getting your general anxiety level right back down to zero without the use of any medication or alternative therapies. This technique is based on advanced psychology made simple for everyone to apply.

Best of all...

It does not rely on outdated anxiety techniques such as 'deep breathing', positive affirmations, or distraction.

It takes seconds to implement wherever you are, -at home, at work or out socializing with friends.

This technique does not use NLP or hypnosis to stop the panic attack. It is an advanced cognitive technique born from traditional psychology that everyone can apply regardless of how long the anxiety has been present.

No more spending money on expensive doctor or therapist visits.

This technique has been refined over the last the past 10 years and chances are you will not have come across anything like it before.

There is one key factor that makes the difference between those who fully eliminate panic attacks from their lives and those who do not. The key ingredient is not medication, lifestyle changes, or relaxation exercises. It is when the individual no longer fears the thought of having a panic attack.

Often the anticipation of an event is usually greater than the event itself the fear of an attack can bring the panic attack on by itself.

This technique gives people the ability to immediately stop fearing another panic attack. It is very simple yet amazingly effective. It breaks the cycle of the panic attack.

The really unique element of the technique, is that there is no need for you to regress into your past and find out why you had your initial panic attack in order to get results. All that is needed is your willingness to break out of the anxiety cycle. Are you ready to try this right now ?

Find Out More About Banishing Panic Attacks!

Ref PyraBang707


Mind Secrets Exposed  


Discover The Revolutionary Methods That You Can Implement To Literally 'Reprogram' Your Mind And Body To Materialize Your Deepest Dreams And Desires.

Are you frustrated with the multiple problems that you face in life? Do you look back and wonder how you ended up in the state you currently are in?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to attain success and happiness so easily?

To read more follow to PyraBang Spirit....

PyraBang.Com - Discover... Post... Profit!


Enemas for Pleasure Pain or Vitality?  


It's one of the 'in things', Movie Stars, Sportsmen even Politicians are talking about having an Enema, but what is it, is it healthy, is it pleasurable?
One point I must make, this is not a 'how to' guide, before undertaking any such procedure I would advise you to consult your local medical adviser first.

To read more follow to PyraBang Health....

PyraBang.Com - Discover... Post... Profit!

Q. What are PyraWords?

A. Pyrawords is a snippet of html code you can put on your website that effectively increases the size and reach of the entire network. When you post something on the network, it can wind up on over 150 different websites and counting. If someone clicks on your PyraWords, you add 1/10 of a cent to the value of that post in return for a possible $12 signup. All you need is 1 in 12,000 to break even, and that's not even considering monthly residuals. Here is one example of PyraWords:


Soft Hair And Skin Au Naturelle  


Just picture this, your walking down the beach front, its a warm sunny day, a light breeze in from the sea is gently blowing through your hair gives it more waves than the ocean. People look at you, men admire your hair and the women are jealous, some ask how come your hair is so soft and shiny. At the same time they notice how baby soft your skin looks, you look at them with a knowing smile and tell them your secret, 'I use Urine Therapy' you say.
Hold on, stop the boat, get the nose clip out, 'you use urine therapy' they say, 'yes, it's amazing' with that you gently glide into the sunset with your hair bouncing for joy.
Ok, its seems a little like a hair spray commercial, that is all except the urine therapy part, but its true, your OWN urine is one of natures gifts.

First of all lets dispense with a few myths about natures finest.

Urine smells !!
Well actually urine does smell, about 20 minutes after leaving the body a certain amount of oxidation takes place and a ammonia like smell occurs, but its harmless and good ventilation or aroma oil keeps the smell down.

Urine is poisonous !!
Well actually its not, 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Toxic substances are being removed from the body through the liver, intestines, skin and through the out-breath.
Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.
I'm not going to try and convince you about the purity of urine, if you do a search on the net with 'urine therapy' there are many pages describing to process through the body that creates good wholesome urine. In fact its only in the last 50 years that urine has gone out of fashion, it has been highly praised through out history as a natural substance that has many healing properties. One of the biggest users of urine has been the cosmetic industry, traditionally produced by horses, it is used as a skin moisturizer. It is only since the rise of the pharmaceutical industry that the use of urine as a general medicine has ceased, well in the West, it is still highly prized in the Far East. Nothing to do with the fact that pharmaceutical companies can't make a profit from it no doubt.

I've had personal experience with its amazing properties. As a child I had eczema, my skin was always cracked and dry, as I grow older and changed my diet I grow out of it, except for a bad patch on my right elbow. No cream or ointment could cure this patch, it would often bleed, especially when I was asleep. The I saw a children's TV series, on a particular episode was a Dutchman called Coen Van Der Kroon who had wrote a book called 'Golden Fountain : The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy', I was so intrigued I tried the treatment. I put urine on my elbow 3/4 times a day, always washing my hands afterwards of course. After about two weeks, the eczema had disappeared and my skin completely re-generated and I've not had any problems since. Every so often I also use it on my skin, although 49 years old, I've skin like a young child.
Now this article isn't going to tell you how to use it, as I've stated there are many good sites that will explain all, it simply says 'give it a go, you might surprise yourself'

Nature gives us all we need for both Health and Beauty.

PyraBang.Com - Discover... Post... Profit!

Q. How can I advertise for 'less than free on PyraBang?'

A. Members host information on their websites with PyraWords and in their email footer with PyraMail. Every time a post is clicked on these members (Gold Members) have a chance to make $4.00. If this new referral joins the network, the member receives a $4.00 bonus plus $0.50 per month for as long as they remain an active member! The member who posted the information gets 1 bang from the member who hosts it. This creates a system where the advertiser can actually get paid to advertise!